Really good points of emphasis! Much needed!

I've always tried to be on a first name basis with umpires. I think that has always gone a long way with them. I was a catcher so this was a little easier for me than other positions, but even as a coach it helps build a rapport as you mentioned.

Don't ever show them up, the experienced umpires hate that for sure. I tell catchers now, don't turn around and face an umpire with your mask on. If you have to ask a question, stand up, play in the dirt with your feet, keep your face forward and talk. If you turn they'll run you quick!! I learned it the hard way in college.

On the other hand, I've caught a game (in college) where a hitter walked on three balls. I almost came out of my cleats!!! This was in a tie game putting the winning run on base. Situationally it was a nightmare!

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As a first year umpire, love this episode

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Good luck!

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